Mobile Development


How to Outsource Mobile App Development in 2023

James Sullivan

July 7, 2023

Mobile Development


How to Outsource Mobile App Development in 2023

James Sullivan

July 7, 2023

Mobile Development


How to Outsource Mobile App Development in 2023

James Sullivan

July 7, 2023

Mobile Development


How to Outsource Mobile App Development in 2023

James Sullivan

July 7, 2023


The digital revolution is continually shaping how businesses operate, with mobile applications being a crucial part of this transformative journey. The decision to outsource app development is becoming more prevalent due to its numerous benefits. 

The global IT outsourcing market has swelled significantly, with Statista predicting it will hit $397.6 billion by 2025. This amplifying trend signifies that companies increasingly rely on outsourcing to meet their technical needs, primarily app development.

7 Reasons to Outsource Mobile App Development

Outsourcing mobile app development can bring many benefits to businesses, especially in this rapidly digitizing world. Here's a look at seven compelling reasons to outsource app development.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Mobile app development outsourcing significantly reduces expenses by eliminating overhead costs associated with hiring in-house developers, such as infrastructure, training, and employee benefits. This budget-friendly approach lets you channel your resources into areas that directly drive growth.

2. Access to Global Talent

You gain access to a global talent pool when you outsource a mobile app development project. This wide-ranging expertise enriches your app with unique perspectives and creativity and ensures the use of best industry practices.

3. Scalability

Mobile app development outsourcing offers a high level of scalability, allowing you to adjust the size of your development team as per your project's evolving needs. This adaptability enables efficient resource utilization.

4. Faster Time-to-Market

Given the fierce competition in the app market, speed is of the essence. Outsourcing partners can accelerate your app's launch with their dedicated teams and expertise, giving you a competitive edge.

5. Quality Assurance

Professional outsourcing app development companies have quality assurance (QA) teams to ensure your mobile app is bug-free and meets all technical standards. This dedicated focus on QA reduces the risk of post-launch issues.

6. Access to the Latest Technologies

Outsourcing partners stay abreast of the latest technological advancements to remain competitive. When you outsource app development, your app benefits from the latest tech, driving user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Focus on Core Business Operations

By outsourcing mobile app development, your in-house team can focus on strategic, revenue-generating activities while the outsourcing partner handles the technical aspects. This division of labor enhances overall productivity.

Also, read our brief article 7 Reasons Why Companies Outsource Software Development.

Steps to Outsource App Development

Outsourcing app development can seem complex, but following a systematic approach can simplify the process. 

Here are six strategic steps to guide you on how to outsource app development effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Requirements

Begin with a clear understanding of what your app should achieve. Define its core functionalities, objectives, target audience, and the platform(s) on which it needs to be available. Having a comprehensive requirement list aids in precise communication with your outsourcing partner.

Step 2: Find Potential Partners

Search platforms like LinkedIn, Clutch, and Upwork to find potential outsourcing partners. Look for mobile app development companies with a strong mobile app development track record and experience in your industry or with similar projects.

Step 3: Due Diligence

Take your time hiring the first outsourcing company that fits your criteria. Instead, take the time to verify their credibility. Check their reviews, ratings, and portfolio. Reach out to their previous clients to get a real understanding of their working style and reliability.

Step 4: Communicate Your Requirements

Share your project details with them once you've shortlisted a few firms. Be explicit about your expectations, requirements, and deadlines. This will help them provide a realistic proposal and avoid misunderstandings later.

Step 5: Legal Agreement

Before kick-starting the project, formalize the relationship with a comprehensive legal agreement. This contract should cover all critical aspects, including payment terms, intellectual property rights, non-disclosure clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Step 6: Establish a Communication Plan

Regular updates and communication are vital to keep the project on track. Establish a clear communication plan that defines the modes of communication, frequency of updates, and the point of contact for different situations.

Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and effective process to outsource mobile app development.

Challenges Faced by Companies in Outsourcing Mobile App Development

While the decision to outsource app development can be highly beneficial, it's not without its potential challenges. Understanding these hurdles can help you prepare effective mitigation strategies.

Communication Barriers

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. However, language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone disparities can pose communication challenges during the mobile app project.

Quality Control

Ensuring the app's quality can be a significant challenge when outsourcing mobile app development. Differences in coding standards, testing processes, and the overall approach to quality assurance can impact the final product.

Understanding Project Requirements

If your outsourcing partner fails to fully comprehend the project's requirements, it could lead to undesired outcomes. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of specifications can result in a product that falls short of expectations.

Data Security

Sharing sensitive information with an external party always carries a risk. Data breaches could have severe implications for your business.

Dependence on the Vendor

Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can be a risk. If the partnership ends abruptly, it could delay your project and potentially result in financial losses.

Identifying these challenges when planning to outsource mobile app development can help you choose a reliable partner and put in place measures to mitigate potential issues. By doing so, you can ensure a more successful and stress-free outsourcing experience.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

The decision to outsource app development comes with advantages and potential drawbacks. 

Let's examine both to help you in making an informed choice.

Pros of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Cost-Effective: App development outsourcing can dramatically reduce the cost associated with the app development process, as it eliminates the need for infrastructure, hiring, training, and overheads.

  2. Access to Expertise: App development outsourcing can get you access to a global talent pool with diverse skills and expertise.

  3. Scalability: The flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project needs is a significant advantage of outsourcing.

  4. Time Efficient: Outsourcing partners can expedite the app development process, ensuring a quicker time-to-market.

  5. Focus on Core Operations: While your outsourcing partner handles the technical tasks, you can focus on the core business activities.

Cons of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Communication Issues: Differences in time zones, language, and culture might lead to communication issues.

  2. Quality Concerns: There might be quality discrepancies if the outsourcing partner doesn't adhere to high coding and testing standards.

  3. Dependency: There is a risk of over-dependency on the outsourcing partner, which might cause issues if the partnership ends abruptly.

  4. Data Security: Sharing sensitive data with an external party always involves a certain level of risk.

There are certain challenges involved when you decide to outsource mobile app development. They can be effectively managed and mitigated with due diligence and clear communication. Understanding the pros and cons of outsourcing app development can help you make a strategic decision tailored to your unique needs.

Outsourcing vs In-House App Development

The decision between outsourcing app development and managing it in-house is crucial. Each approach comes with its strengths and drawbacks. Understanding these will help you choose the best option for your business needs and capabilities.

Read a detailed article In-house vs Outsourcing Software Development - What is Best?

Outsourcing App Development


  1. Cost-effective: No overhead costs of hiring, training, and infrastructure.

  2. Access to Global Expertise: Get diverse perspectives and skill sets for your project.

  3. Faster Development: Dedicated teams and expertise ensure quicker development and launch.


  1. Potential Communication Issues: Time zone differences and language barriers can pose challenges.

  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality standards of the final product can be more challenging.

  3. Dependency: Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can potentially cause problems.

In-House App Development


  1. Direct Communication: Being in the same office simplifies communication and coordination.

  2. Control Over Quality: Direct supervision ensures adherence to quality standards.

  3. Full Control: You have complete control over the project, with the flexibility to make on-the-spot changes.


  1. Higher Costs: In-house app development process involves substantial hiring, training, and infrastructure costs.

  2. Limited Skill Set: In house development team might need more skills or knowledge of the latest technologies.

  3. Time-Consuming: Recruiting, setting up, and training an in-house team can be time-intensive.

The decision to outsource app development or keep it in-house depends on factors like your budget, timeframe, technical expertise, and the nature of the app. A careful assessment of these factors against the pros and cons of each approach can guide you in making the optimal choice for your business.

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Mobile Applications?

Determining the cost to outsource mobile app development can be complex due to the various factors influencing it.

Here's a breakdown of the main elements that drive these costs.

The Complexity of the App

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it will consume. An app with multiple features, sophisticated UI/UX, and backend development will cost more than a simple app with basic functionality.

Platforms and Technologies

The choice of platform (iOS, Android, or both) significantly affects the cost. Similarly, the use of cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR, AI, or blockchain can increase the cost due to the specialized skills required.

Location of the Outsourcing Partner

The geographical location of your outsourcing partner plays a crucial role in cost determination. App developers in North America and Western Europe generally charge more than those in Eastern Europe or Asia.

Size and Reputation of the Outsourcing Agency

A large, well-reputed agency might charge more for their services due to their expertise and guaranteed quality. However, many small firms and freelancers provide excellent services at competitive rates.

The cost to outsource app development can range widely based on various factors. It's essential to balance cost considerations with the quality and reliability of the outsourcing partner. Always remember that a low-cost option might cost more in the long run if the app's quality is compromised.

Outsource Mobile App Development to OneSeven

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make a significant difference in the success of your mobile app development. OneSeven is a trusted software development company with a proven track record in delivering top-notch mobile apps. 

Here are some key reasons to choose OneSeven as your outsourcing partner.

  1. Access Global Expertise: When you outsource mobile app development to OneSeven, you tap into a global pool of exceptional talent. Our team of expert app developers brings a wealth of experience and creativity to your project.

  2. Unmatched Quality Assurance: At OneSeven, we pride ourselves on our rigorous QA process. Every app we deliver is thoroughly tested to ensure it's bug-free and meets the highest quality standards.

  3. Fast Turnaround Time: Our dedicated and agile team guarantees a quick turnaround time. We understand the importance of swiftly getting your app to market and work tirelessly to make it happen.

  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven allows you to enjoy significant cost savings without compromising quality.

  5. Scalability: With OneSeven, you get a scalable solution. Our dedicated team can easily be adjusted to suit the evolving needs of your mobile app project.

  6. Use of Latest Technologies: We stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in app development, ensuring your app is cutting-edge and engaging for users.

Focus on Core Operations

Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven brings your app idea to life, making the journey more enjoyable and less burdensome. As your trusted partner, we work towards creating an exceptional mobile app that resonates with your target audience and elevates your business.

Given these compelling reasons, the choice is clear. Don't spend your valuable time and resources trying to build an in-house development team. Instead, outsource your mobile app development to OneSeven, a trusted and seasoned software development agency.

Our development team is ready to transform your vision into a high-performing, feature-rich mobile app that resonates with your target audience. Contact us today to get started!


The digital revolution is continually shaping how businesses operate, with mobile applications being a crucial part of this transformative journey. The decision to outsource app development is becoming more prevalent due to its numerous benefits. 

The global IT outsourcing market has swelled significantly, with Statista predicting it will hit $397.6 billion by 2025. This amplifying trend signifies that companies increasingly rely on outsourcing to meet their technical needs, primarily app development.

7 Reasons to Outsource Mobile App Development

Outsourcing mobile app development can bring many benefits to businesses, especially in this rapidly digitizing world. Here's a look at seven compelling reasons to outsource app development.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Mobile app development outsourcing significantly reduces expenses by eliminating overhead costs associated with hiring in-house developers, such as infrastructure, training, and employee benefits. This budget-friendly approach lets you channel your resources into areas that directly drive growth.

2. Access to Global Talent

You gain access to a global talent pool when you outsource a mobile app development project. This wide-ranging expertise enriches your app with unique perspectives and creativity and ensures the use of best industry practices.

3. Scalability

Mobile app development outsourcing offers a high level of scalability, allowing you to adjust the size of your development team as per your project's evolving needs. This adaptability enables efficient resource utilization.

4. Faster Time-to-Market

Given the fierce competition in the app market, speed is of the essence. Outsourcing partners can accelerate your app's launch with their dedicated teams and expertise, giving you a competitive edge.

5. Quality Assurance

Professional outsourcing app development companies have quality assurance (QA) teams to ensure your mobile app is bug-free and meets all technical standards. This dedicated focus on QA reduces the risk of post-launch issues.

6. Access to the Latest Technologies

Outsourcing partners stay abreast of the latest technological advancements to remain competitive. When you outsource app development, your app benefits from the latest tech, driving user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Focus on Core Business Operations

By outsourcing mobile app development, your in-house team can focus on strategic, revenue-generating activities while the outsourcing partner handles the technical aspects. This division of labor enhances overall productivity.

Also, read our brief article 7 Reasons Why Companies Outsource Software Development.

Steps to Outsource App Development

Outsourcing app development can seem complex, but following a systematic approach can simplify the process. 

Here are six strategic steps to guide you on how to outsource app development effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Requirements

Begin with a clear understanding of what your app should achieve. Define its core functionalities, objectives, target audience, and the platform(s) on which it needs to be available. Having a comprehensive requirement list aids in precise communication with your outsourcing partner.

Step 2: Find Potential Partners

Search platforms like LinkedIn, Clutch, and Upwork to find potential outsourcing partners. Look for mobile app development companies with a strong mobile app development track record and experience in your industry or with similar projects.

Step 3: Due Diligence

Take your time hiring the first outsourcing company that fits your criteria. Instead, take the time to verify their credibility. Check their reviews, ratings, and portfolio. Reach out to their previous clients to get a real understanding of their working style and reliability.

Step 4: Communicate Your Requirements

Share your project details with them once you've shortlisted a few firms. Be explicit about your expectations, requirements, and deadlines. This will help them provide a realistic proposal and avoid misunderstandings later.

Step 5: Legal Agreement

Before kick-starting the project, formalize the relationship with a comprehensive legal agreement. This contract should cover all critical aspects, including payment terms, intellectual property rights, non-disclosure clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Step 6: Establish a Communication Plan

Regular updates and communication are vital to keep the project on track. Establish a clear communication plan that defines the modes of communication, frequency of updates, and the point of contact for different situations.

Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and effective process to outsource mobile app development.

Challenges Faced by Companies in Outsourcing Mobile App Development

While the decision to outsource app development can be highly beneficial, it's not without its potential challenges. Understanding these hurdles can help you prepare effective mitigation strategies.

Communication Barriers

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. However, language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone disparities can pose communication challenges during the mobile app project.

Quality Control

Ensuring the app's quality can be a significant challenge when outsourcing mobile app development. Differences in coding standards, testing processes, and the overall approach to quality assurance can impact the final product.

Understanding Project Requirements

If your outsourcing partner fails to fully comprehend the project's requirements, it could lead to undesired outcomes. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of specifications can result in a product that falls short of expectations.

Data Security

Sharing sensitive information with an external party always carries a risk. Data breaches could have severe implications for your business.

Dependence on the Vendor

Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can be a risk. If the partnership ends abruptly, it could delay your project and potentially result in financial losses.

Identifying these challenges when planning to outsource mobile app development can help you choose a reliable partner and put in place measures to mitigate potential issues. By doing so, you can ensure a more successful and stress-free outsourcing experience.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

The decision to outsource app development comes with advantages and potential drawbacks. 

Let's examine both to help you in making an informed choice.

Pros of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Cost-Effective: App development outsourcing can dramatically reduce the cost associated with the app development process, as it eliminates the need for infrastructure, hiring, training, and overheads.

  2. Access to Expertise: App development outsourcing can get you access to a global talent pool with diverse skills and expertise.

  3. Scalability: The flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project needs is a significant advantage of outsourcing.

  4. Time Efficient: Outsourcing partners can expedite the app development process, ensuring a quicker time-to-market.

  5. Focus on Core Operations: While your outsourcing partner handles the technical tasks, you can focus on the core business activities.

Cons of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Communication Issues: Differences in time zones, language, and culture might lead to communication issues.

  2. Quality Concerns: There might be quality discrepancies if the outsourcing partner doesn't adhere to high coding and testing standards.

  3. Dependency: There is a risk of over-dependency on the outsourcing partner, which might cause issues if the partnership ends abruptly.

  4. Data Security: Sharing sensitive data with an external party always involves a certain level of risk.

There are certain challenges involved when you decide to outsource mobile app development. They can be effectively managed and mitigated with due diligence and clear communication. Understanding the pros and cons of outsourcing app development can help you make a strategic decision tailored to your unique needs.

Outsourcing vs In-House App Development

The decision between outsourcing app development and managing it in-house is crucial. Each approach comes with its strengths and drawbacks. Understanding these will help you choose the best option for your business needs and capabilities.

Read a detailed article In-house vs Outsourcing Software Development - What is Best?

Outsourcing App Development


  1. Cost-effective: No overhead costs of hiring, training, and infrastructure.

  2. Access to Global Expertise: Get diverse perspectives and skill sets for your project.

  3. Faster Development: Dedicated teams and expertise ensure quicker development and launch.


  1. Potential Communication Issues: Time zone differences and language barriers can pose challenges.

  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality standards of the final product can be more challenging.

  3. Dependency: Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can potentially cause problems.

In-House App Development


  1. Direct Communication: Being in the same office simplifies communication and coordination.

  2. Control Over Quality: Direct supervision ensures adherence to quality standards.

  3. Full Control: You have complete control over the project, with the flexibility to make on-the-spot changes.


  1. Higher Costs: In-house app development process involves substantial hiring, training, and infrastructure costs.

  2. Limited Skill Set: In house development team might need more skills or knowledge of the latest technologies.

  3. Time-Consuming: Recruiting, setting up, and training an in-house team can be time-intensive.

The decision to outsource app development or keep it in-house depends on factors like your budget, timeframe, technical expertise, and the nature of the app. A careful assessment of these factors against the pros and cons of each approach can guide you in making the optimal choice for your business.

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Mobile Applications?

Determining the cost to outsource mobile app development can be complex due to the various factors influencing it.

Here's a breakdown of the main elements that drive these costs.

The Complexity of the App

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it will consume. An app with multiple features, sophisticated UI/UX, and backend development will cost more than a simple app with basic functionality.

Platforms and Technologies

The choice of platform (iOS, Android, or both) significantly affects the cost. Similarly, the use of cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR, AI, or blockchain can increase the cost due to the specialized skills required.

Location of the Outsourcing Partner

The geographical location of your outsourcing partner plays a crucial role in cost determination. App developers in North America and Western Europe generally charge more than those in Eastern Europe or Asia.

Size and Reputation of the Outsourcing Agency

A large, well-reputed agency might charge more for their services due to their expertise and guaranteed quality. However, many small firms and freelancers provide excellent services at competitive rates.

The cost to outsource app development can range widely based on various factors. It's essential to balance cost considerations with the quality and reliability of the outsourcing partner. Always remember that a low-cost option might cost more in the long run if the app's quality is compromised.

Outsource Mobile App Development to OneSeven

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make a significant difference in the success of your mobile app development. OneSeven is a trusted software development company with a proven track record in delivering top-notch mobile apps. 

Here are some key reasons to choose OneSeven as your outsourcing partner.

  1. Access Global Expertise: When you outsource mobile app development to OneSeven, you tap into a global pool of exceptional talent. Our team of expert app developers brings a wealth of experience and creativity to your project.

  2. Unmatched Quality Assurance: At OneSeven, we pride ourselves on our rigorous QA process. Every app we deliver is thoroughly tested to ensure it's bug-free and meets the highest quality standards.

  3. Fast Turnaround Time: Our dedicated and agile team guarantees a quick turnaround time. We understand the importance of swiftly getting your app to market and work tirelessly to make it happen.

  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven allows you to enjoy significant cost savings without compromising quality.

  5. Scalability: With OneSeven, you get a scalable solution. Our dedicated team can easily be adjusted to suit the evolving needs of your mobile app project.

  6. Use of Latest Technologies: We stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in app development, ensuring your app is cutting-edge and engaging for users.

Focus on Core Operations

Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven brings your app idea to life, making the journey more enjoyable and less burdensome. As your trusted partner, we work towards creating an exceptional mobile app that resonates with your target audience and elevates your business.

Given these compelling reasons, the choice is clear. Don't spend your valuable time and resources trying to build an in-house development team. Instead, outsource your mobile app development to OneSeven, a trusted and seasoned software development agency.

Our development team is ready to transform your vision into a high-performing, feature-rich mobile app that resonates with your target audience. Contact us today to get started!


The digital revolution is continually shaping how businesses operate, with mobile applications being a crucial part of this transformative journey. The decision to outsource app development is becoming more prevalent due to its numerous benefits. 

The global IT outsourcing market has swelled significantly, with Statista predicting it will hit $397.6 billion by 2025. This amplifying trend signifies that companies increasingly rely on outsourcing to meet their technical needs, primarily app development.

7 Reasons to Outsource Mobile App Development

Outsourcing mobile app development can bring many benefits to businesses, especially in this rapidly digitizing world. Here's a look at seven compelling reasons to outsource app development.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Mobile app development outsourcing significantly reduces expenses by eliminating overhead costs associated with hiring in-house developers, such as infrastructure, training, and employee benefits. This budget-friendly approach lets you channel your resources into areas that directly drive growth.

2. Access to Global Talent

You gain access to a global talent pool when you outsource a mobile app development project. This wide-ranging expertise enriches your app with unique perspectives and creativity and ensures the use of best industry practices.

3. Scalability

Mobile app development outsourcing offers a high level of scalability, allowing you to adjust the size of your development team as per your project's evolving needs. This adaptability enables efficient resource utilization.

4. Faster Time-to-Market

Given the fierce competition in the app market, speed is of the essence. Outsourcing partners can accelerate your app's launch with their dedicated teams and expertise, giving you a competitive edge.

5. Quality Assurance

Professional outsourcing app development companies have quality assurance (QA) teams to ensure your mobile app is bug-free and meets all technical standards. This dedicated focus on QA reduces the risk of post-launch issues.

6. Access to the Latest Technologies

Outsourcing partners stay abreast of the latest technological advancements to remain competitive. When you outsource app development, your app benefits from the latest tech, driving user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Focus on Core Business Operations

By outsourcing mobile app development, your in-house team can focus on strategic, revenue-generating activities while the outsourcing partner handles the technical aspects. This division of labor enhances overall productivity.

Also, read our brief article 7 Reasons Why Companies Outsource Software Development.

Steps to Outsource App Development

Outsourcing app development can seem complex, but following a systematic approach can simplify the process. 

Here are six strategic steps to guide you on how to outsource app development effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Requirements

Begin with a clear understanding of what your app should achieve. Define its core functionalities, objectives, target audience, and the platform(s) on which it needs to be available. Having a comprehensive requirement list aids in precise communication with your outsourcing partner.

Step 2: Find Potential Partners

Search platforms like LinkedIn, Clutch, and Upwork to find potential outsourcing partners. Look for mobile app development companies with a strong mobile app development track record and experience in your industry or with similar projects.

Step 3: Due Diligence

Take your time hiring the first outsourcing company that fits your criteria. Instead, take the time to verify their credibility. Check their reviews, ratings, and portfolio. Reach out to their previous clients to get a real understanding of their working style and reliability.

Step 4: Communicate Your Requirements

Share your project details with them once you've shortlisted a few firms. Be explicit about your expectations, requirements, and deadlines. This will help them provide a realistic proposal and avoid misunderstandings later.

Step 5: Legal Agreement

Before kick-starting the project, formalize the relationship with a comprehensive legal agreement. This contract should cover all critical aspects, including payment terms, intellectual property rights, non-disclosure clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Step 6: Establish a Communication Plan

Regular updates and communication are vital to keep the project on track. Establish a clear communication plan that defines the modes of communication, frequency of updates, and the point of contact for different situations.

Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and effective process to outsource mobile app development.

Challenges Faced by Companies in Outsourcing Mobile App Development

While the decision to outsource app development can be highly beneficial, it's not without its potential challenges. Understanding these hurdles can help you prepare effective mitigation strategies.

Communication Barriers

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. However, language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone disparities can pose communication challenges during the mobile app project.

Quality Control

Ensuring the app's quality can be a significant challenge when outsourcing mobile app development. Differences in coding standards, testing processes, and the overall approach to quality assurance can impact the final product.

Understanding Project Requirements

If your outsourcing partner fails to fully comprehend the project's requirements, it could lead to undesired outcomes. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of specifications can result in a product that falls short of expectations.

Data Security

Sharing sensitive information with an external party always carries a risk. Data breaches could have severe implications for your business.

Dependence on the Vendor

Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can be a risk. If the partnership ends abruptly, it could delay your project and potentially result in financial losses.

Identifying these challenges when planning to outsource mobile app development can help you choose a reliable partner and put in place measures to mitigate potential issues. By doing so, you can ensure a more successful and stress-free outsourcing experience.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

The decision to outsource app development comes with advantages and potential drawbacks. 

Let's examine both to help you in making an informed choice.

Pros of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Cost-Effective: App development outsourcing can dramatically reduce the cost associated with the app development process, as it eliminates the need for infrastructure, hiring, training, and overheads.

  2. Access to Expertise: App development outsourcing can get you access to a global talent pool with diverse skills and expertise.

  3. Scalability: The flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project needs is a significant advantage of outsourcing.

  4. Time Efficient: Outsourcing partners can expedite the app development process, ensuring a quicker time-to-market.

  5. Focus on Core Operations: While your outsourcing partner handles the technical tasks, you can focus on the core business activities.

Cons of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Communication Issues: Differences in time zones, language, and culture might lead to communication issues.

  2. Quality Concerns: There might be quality discrepancies if the outsourcing partner doesn't adhere to high coding and testing standards.

  3. Dependency: There is a risk of over-dependency on the outsourcing partner, which might cause issues if the partnership ends abruptly.

  4. Data Security: Sharing sensitive data with an external party always involves a certain level of risk.

There are certain challenges involved when you decide to outsource mobile app development. They can be effectively managed and mitigated with due diligence and clear communication. Understanding the pros and cons of outsourcing app development can help you make a strategic decision tailored to your unique needs.

Outsourcing vs In-House App Development

The decision between outsourcing app development and managing it in-house is crucial. Each approach comes with its strengths and drawbacks. Understanding these will help you choose the best option for your business needs and capabilities.

Read a detailed article In-house vs Outsourcing Software Development - What is Best?

Outsourcing App Development


  1. Cost-effective: No overhead costs of hiring, training, and infrastructure.

  2. Access to Global Expertise: Get diverse perspectives and skill sets for your project.

  3. Faster Development: Dedicated teams and expertise ensure quicker development and launch.


  1. Potential Communication Issues: Time zone differences and language barriers can pose challenges.

  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality standards of the final product can be more challenging.

  3. Dependency: Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can potentially cause problems.

In-House App Development


  1. Direct Communication: Being in the same office simplifies communication and coordination.

  2. Control Over Quality: Direct supervision ensures adherence to quality standards.

  3. Full Control: You have complete control over the project, with the flexibility to make on-the-spot changes.


  1. Higher Costs: In-house app development process involves substantial hiring, training, and infrastructure costs.

  2. Limited Skill Set: In house development team might need more skills or knowledge of the latest technologies.

  3. Time-Consuming: Recruiting, setting up, and training an in-house team can be time-intensive.

The decision to outsource app development or keep it in-house depends on factors like your budget, timeframe, technical expertise, and the nature of the app. A careful assessment of these factors against the pros and cons of each approach can guide you in making the optimal choice for your business.

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Mobile Applications?

Determining the cost to outsource mobile app development can be complex due to the various factors influencing it.

Here's a breakdown of the main elements that drive these costs.

The Complexity of the App

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it will consume. An app with multiple features, sophisticated UI/UX, and backend development will cost more than a simple app with basic functionality.

Platforms and Technologies

The choice of platform (iOS, Android, or both) significantly affects the cost. Similarly, the use of cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR, AI, or blockchain can increase the cost due to the specialized skills required.

Location of the Outsourcing Partner

The geographical location of your outsourcing partner plays a crucial role in cost determination. App developers in North America and Western Europe generally charge more than those in Eastern Europe or Asia.

Size and Reputation of the Outsourcing Agency

A large, well-reputed agency might charge more for their services due to their expertise and guaranteed quality. However, many small firms and freelancers provide excellent services at competitive rates.

The cost to outsource app development can range widely based on various factors. It's essential to balance cost considerations with the quality and reliability of the outsourcing partner. Always remember that a low-cost option might cost more in the long run if the app's quality is compromised.

Outsource Mobile App Development to OneSeven

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make a significant difference in the success of your mobile app development. OneSeven is a trusted software development company with a proven track record in delivering top-notch mobile apps. 

Here are some key reasons to choose OneSeven as your outsourcing partner.

  1. Access Global Expertise: When you outsource mobile app development to OneSeven, you tap into a global pool of exceptional talent. Our team of expert app developers brings a wealth of experience and creativity to your project.

  2. Unmatched Quality Assurance: At OneSeven, we pride ourselves on our rigorous QA process. Every app we deliver is thoroughly tested to ensure it's bug-free and meets the highest quality standards.

  3. Fast Turnaround Time: Our dedicated and agile team guarantees a quick turnaround time. We understand the importance of swiftly getting your app to market and work tirelessly to make it happen.

  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven allows you to enjoy significant cost savings without compromising quality.

  5. Scalability: With OneSeven, you get a scalable solution. Our dedicated team can easily be adjusted to suit the evolving needs of your mobile app project.

  6. Use of Latest Technologies: We stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in app development, ensuring your app is cutting-edge and engaging for users.

Focus on Core Operations

Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven brings your app idea to life, making the journey more enjoyable and less burdensome. As your trusted partner, we work towards creating an exceptional mobile app that resonates with your target audience and elevates your business.

Given these compelling reasons, the choice is clear. Don't spend your valuable time and resources trying to build an in-house development team. Instead, outsource your mobile app development to OneSeven, a trusted and seasoned software development agency.

Our development team is ready to transform your vision into a high-performing, feature-rich mobile app that resonates with your target audience. Contact us today to get started!


The digital revolution is continually shaping how businesses operate, with mobile applications being a crucial part of this transformative journey. The decision to outsource app development is becoming more prevalent due to its numerous benefits. 

The global IT outsourcing market has swelled significantly, with Statista predicting it will hit $397.6 billion by 2025. This amplifying trend signifies that companies increasingly rely on outsourcing to meet their technical needs, primarily app development.

7 Reasons to Outsource Mobile App Development

Outsourcing mobile app development can bring many benefits to businesses, especially in this rapidly digitizing world. Here's a look at seven compelling reasons to outsource app development.

1. Cost-effectiveness

Mobile app development outsourcing significantly reduces expenses by eliminating overhead costs associated with hiring in-house developers, such as infrastructure, training, and employee benefits. This budget-friendly approach lets you channel your resources into areas that directly drive growth.

2. Access to Global Talent

You gain access to a global talent pool when you outsource a mobile app development project. This wide-ranging expertise enriches your app with unique perspectives and creativity and ensures the use of best industry practices.

3. Scalability

Mobile app development outsourcing offers a high level of scalability, allowing you to adjust the size of your development team as per your project's evolving needs. This adaptability enables efficient resource utilization.

4. Faster Time-to-Market

Given the fierce competition in the app market, speed is of the essence. Outsourcing partners can accelerate your app's launch with their dedicated teams and expertise, giving you a competitive edge.

5. Quality Assurance

Professional outsourcing app development companies have quality assurance (QA) teams to ensure your mobile app is bug-free and meets all technical standards. This dedicated focus on QA reduces the risk of post-launch issues.

6. Access to the Latest Technologies

Outsourcing partners stay abreast of the latest technological advancements to remain competitive. When you outsource app development, your app benefits from the latest tech, driving user engagement and satisfaction.

7. Focus on Core Business Operations

By outsourcing mobile app development, your in-house team can focus on strategic, revenue-generating activities while the outsourcing partner handles the technical aspects. This division of labor enhances overall productivity.

Also, read our brief article 7 Reasons Why Companies Outsource Software Development.

Steps to Outsource App Development

Outsourcing app development can seem complex, but following a systematic approach can simplify the process. 

Here are six strategic steps to guide you on how to outsource app development effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Requirements

Begin with a clear understanding of what your app should achieve. Define its core functionalities, objectives, target audience, and the platform(s) on which it needs to be available. Having a comprehensive requirement list aids in precise communication with your outsourcing partner.

Step 2: Find Potential Partners

Search platforms like LinkedIn, Clutch, and Upwork to find potential outsourcing partners. Look for mobile app development companies with a strong mobile app development track record and experience in your industry or with similar projects.

Step 3: Due Diligence

Take your time hiring the first outsourcing company that fits your criteria. Instead, take the time to verify their credibility. Check their reviews, ratings, and portfolio. Reach out to their previous clients to get a real understanding of their working style and reliability.

Step 4: Communicate Your Requirements

Share your project details with them once you've shortlisted a few firms. Be explicit about your expectations, requirements, and deadlines. This will help them provide a realistic proposal and avoid misunderstandings later.

Step 5: Legal Agreement

Before kick-starting the project, formalize the relationship with a comprehensive legal agreement. This contract should cover all critical aspects, including payment terms, intellectual property rights, non-disclosure clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Step 6: Establish a Communication Plan

Regular updates and communication are vital to keep the project on track. Establish a clear communication plan that defines the modes of communication, frequency of updates, and the point of contact for different situations.

Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and effective process to outsource mobile app development.

Challenges Faced by Companies in Outsourcing Mobile App Development

While the decision to outsource app development can be highly beneficial, it's not without its potential challenges. Understanding these hurdles can help you prepare effective mitigation strategies.

Communication Barriers

Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. However, language barriers, cultural differences, and time zone disparities can pose communication challenges during the mobile app project.

Quality Control

Ensuring the app's quality can be a significant challenge when outsourcing mobile app development. Differences in coding standards, testing processes, and the overall approach to quality assurance can impact the final product.

Understanding Project Requirements

If your outsourcing partner fails to fully comprehend the project's requirements, it could lead to undesired outcomes. Misinterpretation or misunderstanding of specifications can result in a product that falls short of expectations.

Data Security

Sharing sensitive information with an external party always carries a risk. Data breaches could have severe implications for your business.

Dependence on the Vendor

Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can be a risk. If the partnership ends abruptly, it could delay your project and potentially result in financial losses.

Identifying these challenges when planning to outsource mobile app development can help you choose a reliable partner and put in place measures to mitigate potential issues. By doing so, you can ensure a more successful and stress-free outsourcing experience.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Mobile App Development

The decision to outsource app development comes with advantages and potential drawbacks. 

Let's examine both to help you in making an informed choice.

Pros of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Cost-Effective: App development outsourcing can dramatically reduce the cost associated with the app development process, as it eliminates the need for infrastructure, hiring, training, and overheads.

  2. Access to Expertise: App development outsourcing can get you access to a global talent pool with diverse skills and expertise.

  3. Scalability: The flexibility to scale the team up or down based on the project needs is a significant advantage of outsourcing.

  4. Time Efficient: Outsourcing partners can expedite the app development process, ensuring a quicker time-to-market.

  5. Focus on Core Operations: While your outsourcing partner handles the technical tasks, you can focus on the core business activities.

Cons of Outsourcing App Development

  1. Communication Issues: Differences in time zones, language, and culture might lead to communication issues.

  2. Quality Concerns: There might be quality discrepancies if the outsourcing partner doesn't adhere to high coding and testing standards.

  3. Dependency: There is a risk of over-dependency on the outsourcing partner, which might cause issues if the partnership ends abruptly.

  4. Data Security: Sharing sensitive data with an external party always involves a certain level of risk.

There are certain challenges involved when you decide to outsource mobile app development. They can be effectively managed and mitigated with due diligence and clear communication. Understanding the pros and cons of outsourcing app development can help you make a strategic decision tailored to your unique needs.

Outsourcing vs In-House App Development

The decision between outsourcing app development and managing it in-house is crucial. Each approach comes with its strengths and drawbacks. Understanding these will help you choose the best option for your business needs and capabilities.

Read a detailed article In-house vs Outsourcing Software Development - What is Best?

Outsourcing App Development


  1. Cost-effective: No overhead costs of hiring, training, and infrastructure.

  2. Access to Global Expertise: Get diverse perspectives and skill sets for your project.

  3. Faster Development: Dedicated teams and expertise ensure quicker development and launch.


  1. Potential Communication Issues: Time zone differences and language barriers can pose challenges.

  2. Quality Control: Ensuring the quality standards of the final product can be more challenging.

  3. Dependency: Over-reliance on the outsourcing partner can potentially cause problems.

In-House App Development


  1. Direct Communication: Being in the same office simplifies communication and coordination.

  2. Control Over Quality: Direct supervision ensures adherence to quality standards.

  3. Full Control: You have complete control over the project, with the flexibility to make on-the-spot changes.


  1. Higher Costs: In-house app development process involves substantial hiring, training, and infrastructure costs.

  2. Limited Skill Set: In house development team might need more skills or knowledge of the latest technologies.

  3. Time-Consuming: Recruiting, setting up, and training an in-house team can be time-intensive.

The decision to outsource app development or keep it in-house depends on factors like your budget, timeframe, technical expertise, and the nature of the app. A careful assessment of these factors against the pros and cons of each approach can guide you in making the optimal choice for your business.

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Mobile Applications?

Determining the cost to outsource mobile app development can be complex due to the various factors influencing it.

Here's a breakdown of the main elements that drive these costs.

The Complexity of the App

The more complex the app, the more time and resources it will consume. An app with multiple features, sophisticated UI/UX, and backend development will cost more than a simple app with basic functionality.

Platforms and Technologies

The choice of platform (iOS, Android, or both) significantly affects the cost. Similarly, the use of cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR, AI, or blockchain can increase the cost due to the specialized skills required.

Location of the Outsourcing Partner

The geographical location of your outsourcing partner plays a crucial role in cost determination. App developers in North America and Western Europe generally charge more than those in Eastern Europe or Asia.

Size and Reputation of the Outsourcing Agency

A large, well-reputed agency might charge more for their services due to their expertise and guaranteed quality. However, many small firms and freelancers provide excellent services at competitive rates.

The cost to outsource app development can range widely based on various factors. It's essential to balance cost considerations with the quality and reliability of the outsourcing partner. Always remember that a low-cost option might cost more in the long run if the app's quality is compromised.

Outsource Mobile App Development to OneSeven

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can make a significant difference in the success of your mobile app development. OneSeven is a trusted software development company with a proven track record in delivering top-notch mobile apps. 

Here are some key reasons to choose OneSeven as your outsourcing partner.

  1. Access Global Expertise: When you outsource mobile app development to OneSeven, you tap into a global pool of exceptional talent. Our team of expert app developers brings a wealth of experience and creativity to your project.

  2. Unmatched Quality Assurance: At OneSeven, we pride ourselves on our rigorous QA process. Every app we deliver is thoroughly tested to ensure it's bug-free and meets the highest quality standards.

  3. Fast Turnaround Time: Our dedicated and agile team guarantees a quick turnaround time. We understand the importance of swiftly getting your app to market and work tirelessly to make it happen.

  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven allows you to enjoy significant cost savings without compromising quality.

  5. Scalability: With OneSeven, you get a scalable solution. Our dedicated team can easily be adjusted to suit the evolving needs of your mobile app project.

  6. Use of Latest Technologies: We stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in app development, ensuring your app is cutting-edge and engaging for users.

Focus on Core Operations

Outsourcing your mobile app development to OneSeven brings your app idea to life, making the journey more enjoyable and less burdensome. As your trusted partner, we work towards creating an exceptional mobile app that resonates with your target audience and elevates your business.

Given these compelling reasons, the choice is clear. Don't spend your valuable time and resources trying to build an in-house development team. Instead, outsource your mobile app development to OneSeven, a trusted and seasoned software development agency.

Our development team is ready to transform your vision into a high-performing, feature-rich mobile app that resonates with your target audience. Contact us today to get started!

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1501 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, Florida 33132


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17 Web Dev, LLC.

Based in the USA, Supporting Teams Globally.